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type Case implements Node {
id: ID!
name: String
url: String
status: String
detailedStatus: String
riskAssessmentType: RiskAssessmentType
statusText: LocalizedSet
amount: Int
before: String
after: String
): [Clients]
access: [CaseAccess]
amount: Int
before: String
after: String
): [Person]
amount: Int
before: String
after: String
): [Person]
documents: [Document]
riskAssessmentConclusion: RiskAssessmentConclusion
riskAssessmentNotes: String
riskAssessmentAnswers: [SimpleRAAnswer]
archivedAt: Float
deactivatedAt: Float
deletionDate: Float
responsible: CaseResponsible
dateOfLastRiskAssessment: Timestamp
screeningResults: [ScreeningResult]
representatives: [Person]
timeCreated: Timestamp!
timeLastEdited: Timestamp!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar ● String scalar

Case.url ● String scalar

Case.status ● String scalar

Case.detailedStatus ● String scalar

Case.riskAssessmentType ● RiskAssessmentType object

Case.statusText ● LocalizedSet object

Case.clients ● [Clients] list union

Case.clients.amount ● Int scalar

Sets the amount of items to return. Defaults to 10

Case.clients.before ● String scalar

The cursor of a previously returned item. The items returned will be ones listed before this cursor.

Case.clients.after ● String scalar

The cursor of a previously returned item. The items returned will be ones listed after this cursor.

Case.access ● [CaseAccess] list union

Case.AMLPersons ● [Person] list object

Case.AMLPersons.amount ● Int scalar

Sets the amount of items to return. Defaults to 10

Case.AMLPersons.before ● String scalar

The cursor of a previously returned item. The items returned will be ones listed before this cursor.

Case.AMLPersons.after ● String scalar

The cursor of a previously returned item. The items returned will be ones listed after this cursor.

Case.contactPersons ● [Person] list object

Case.contactPersons.amount ● Int scalar

Sets the amount of items to return. Defaults to 10

Case.contactPersons.before ● String scalar

The cursor of a previously returned item. The items returned will be ones listed before this cursor.

Case.contactPersons.after ● String scalar

The cursor of a previously returned item. The items returned will be ones listed after this cursor.

Case.documents ● [Document] list object

Case.riskAssessmentConclusion ● RiskAssessmentConclusion enum

Case.riskAssessmentNotes ● String scalar

Case.riskAssessmentAnswers ● [SimpleRAAnswer] list object

Case.archivedAt ● Float scalar

Case archival date, or null if it is not archived.

Case.deactivatedAt ● Float scalar

Case deactivation date, or null if it is not deactivated.

Case.deletionDate ● Float scalar

Scheduled date for deletion, based on deactivation date and deletion configuration.

Case.responsible ● CaseResponsible object

Case responsible.

Case.dateOfLastRiskAssessment ● Timestamp scalar

Case.screeningResults ● [ScreeningResult] list interface

Case.representatives ● [Person] list object

Case.timeCreated ● Timestamp! non-null scalar

Case.timeLastEdited ● Timestamp! non-null scalar


Node interface

Returned by

associateRepresentative mutation ● case query ● createCase mutation ● disassociateRepresentative mutation ● setRiskAssessmentConclusion mutation ● setRiskAssessmentTypeOnCase mutation ● updateCaseAccess mutation ● updateCaseResponsible mutation

Member of

CaseResponsible object ● CollectionItem_Case object ● User object