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The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

scalar ID

Member of

AddAndRemoveGroupIds input ● AddAndRemoveUserIds input ● addCompanyClientToCase mutation ● addContactPersonToCase mutation ● addGoalToCompany mutation ● addGoalToPerson mutation ● addOwnerToCase mutation ● addOwnerToCompany mutation ● addPersonClientToCase mutation ● addRepresentativeToCase mutation ● Address object ● AdvosysCustomerNumber object ● archiveCase mutation ● associateRepresentative mutation ● availableRiskAssessmentTypesForCase query ● Birthdate object ● Case object ● case query ● CaseResponsible object ● Chunk interface ● Citizenship object ● Company object ● company query ● ContactPoint object ● createCase mutation ● createReachLink mutation ● deactivateCase mutation ● deleteCase mutation ● deleteGroup mutation ● deleteUser mutation ● disassociateRepresentative mutation ● DKCPRNumber object ● DKCVRAPIIdType object ● DKCVRNumber object ● Document object ● EconomicCustomerNumber object ● Email object ● ExternalQuestionnaireResponse object ● GenericBusinessRegistrationNumber object ● GenericCustomerNumber object ● GenericNIN object ● getDocument query ● getReachLinkForPerson mutation ● GoalType object ● Group object ● group query ● IdentityValidationToken object ● ListCheck object ● NO_BusinessRegistrationNumber object ● Node interface ● OE90CustomerNumber object ● Person object ● person query ● PersonQuestionResponse object ● PhoneNumber object ● PowerToBind object ● reactivateCase mutation ● removeGoal mutation ● riskReassessmentNextDateForCase query ● sendContactPointEmail mutation ● sendContactPointPhoneMessage mutation ● setCompanyAMLPersonStrategy mutation ● setPreferredLanguageForCompanyOrPerson mutation ● setRiskAssessmentConclusion mutation ● setRiskAssessmentTypeOnCase mutation ● setUserToGroup mutation ● SimpleRAAnswer object ● Status object ● toggleGoals mutation ● Type object ● updateCaseAccess mutation ● updateCaseResponsible mutation ● updateGroup mutation ● User object ● user query ● Vendor_DunBradstreet_DUNSNumber object